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Posts in Technology

The Social Media Polemic

Posted on 28th Oct 2021 22:53:33 in Technology

Embracing new technology is what we humans do. We have come a long way from creating fire with the help of some flint and friction ( the latter a physical process we've now become accustomed to in a subject matter called physics). So when you hear people labelling someone technophobe because they genuinely feel social media is causing more harm than good. Be very careful and cautious of snake oil salesmen.

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Multimodal Search Requires Entirely New Input From Users

Posted on 30th Sep 2021 16:37:50 in Technology

Multimodal Search Requires Entirely New Input From Users. This is the news coming from Google at its recent "Search On Event". One overriding theme from the event was "context is king". Yes, I know you have heard it before somewhere - the web "Content is King".

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