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Posts in Technology

The Data Horse Trade

Posted on 19th May 2022 11:12:57 in Technology

It is often said that learning never stops and a perfect appendix to that at this juncture is development in computing is always in flux. All of the major tech players and startups with names we don’t know yet are working away on some or all of the new major building blocks of the future.

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Following Footprints To Better Bait

Posted on 11th Apr 2022 19:06:58 in Technology

If you have not heard of the term "Phishing", you have not been paying attention of late - web-wise. If you're reading this, it's likely your personal information is available to the public. And by "public" I mean everyone everywhere. I hear you screaming "what about internet privacy?" Sorry to disappoint you - there is no such thing. Some have gone to extreme lengths to delete themselves but to no avail.

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