Playing Lotto with random numbers should not be an option any more

Randomness, as commonly understood, manifests when outcomes occur in a haphazard, unpredictable, or chance manner. These three concepts, while distinct, all share a close relationship with probability. There are numerous types of probability, including subjective probabilities, evidential probabilities, and objective chances, among others. Delving deeper could take all night, but we'll refrain. It's enough to say that we've crunched all the numbers (we have done the maths) so you don't have to.

Imagine having access to the past 12 months of Lotto lottery results. As you sift through them, you search for any discernible patterns. Suddenly, you think you've struck gold. But then, the realization hits that manually checking every possible combination and permutation is nearly impossible. Not anymore, though. This is exactly what Jambuh - The Lottery Predictor is designed to do.

How Do You Select Your Lottery Numbers?

Birth days, special event dates, some alignment with celestial bodies, with your dog or maybe your cat? We make these myriad of ways a doddle with simple mathematics called numerical analysis

What About Test Them Out Before You Play?

Jambuh lets you do what normally occurs 3 or 4 times a week, 100 times in every minute. In so doing, generate copious amounts of data to analyse your playing numbers. Thus, enabling the next real play with some certainty

What If You Can Play 100times under 30 seconds?

It is not technology, but the intelligent application of technology that helps to provide some insight into these seemingly random and disparate numbers. It is not an answer in itself, but an enabler. Like all enablers, it is only as smart as the people using it.