Fresh  -  Aid  -  Ghana

Returnees Arrival Project

It is generally a known fact that Ghanaian citizens when held in immigration detention centres overseas are most likely to agree without much of a fight to be removed/deported back home. The reason for this is very simple; Every Ghanaian is very proud to have been born a Ghanaian. Migration, of course is very integral to the social economic development of every country. However, hush restrictions on people from the so call developing world has led to other people employing crude means to travel in order to be able to enjoy the benefits of migration.


Despite the fact that most Ghanaians when detained by Immigration Authorities are most likely to ask/agree to be sent home, there are a number of them still languishing in overseas detention centres and confused. There is some living illegally for so many years. They will all like to return home but unsure of whom to turn to on their return. Whilst the Officers of Ghana Immigration Service are providing a much needed initial welcoming service in a traditional Ghanaian hospitality thereby making returnees to feel welcomed in their home land but very sad enough it normally ends at the airport and there are no follow ups.

Most people have suffered Post Traumatic Stress Disorder following deportation/removal from a foreign country due to the experiences they went through during detention and removal. Some have finally become alcohol/drug dependants and some suffer from severe mental health problems. It is in light of this that Freshaid decided to set up a specific service for people who have been forced to return home from overseas or returned voluntarily to settle back home. It is Freshaid Ghana’s objective to establish a 24 hour help line to support Ghanaian citizens who have been deported.


We do appreciate your support and thank you very much for visiting our website.


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