Blog Categories - Technology
Posts in Technology
Common Sense Coming To A Computer Near You
Posted on 20th Aug 2021 14:32:14 in Technology
I am meeting some friends in our local pizza eatery, and it is my turn to be the leader - this involves ordering everyone's favorites without asking them. And if I make the wrong order, I must do it again until I get it right. without any help from my friends.
Web Application Development Trend
Posted on 19th May 2021 22:37:13 in Technology
As standards of web applications are always in flux, so too does the complexity of the technology needed to develop web applications. Things that currently work should be left alone. It’s completely unreasonable to reinvent the wheel for such sophisticated techniques and technologies therein. That’s why using frameworks endorsed by thousands of developers around the world is a very sensible approach for building rich and interactive web applications.